
As a therapist and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, I encounter courageous people every day. I feel lucky and honored to walk the path of healing with my clients. I have learned so much about resiliency and the human spirit in my years working as a therapist. The courageousness of my clients never seizes to amaze me. I feel humbled by their experiences, their grace and the courage it takes to show up and share their stories and ask for help.

Courageous stories uplift us all. They give us hope for healing and for better days ahead. As tribal beings, we like hearing stories of the triumph of the human spirit.

If you have a story to share about courage, I would love to hear it. Maybe you have an anecdote of a legend told in you family growing up, or maybe your parents shared a tale of their challenges and triumphs with you, maybe you yourself have overcome a difficult time or situation in your life…Whatever it is, I’d love it if you shared it with me.

You can submit your story below or by emailing me and together we can decide if you’d like to publish your story as a Guest Blog.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to hearing your story.


Your Story

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